Creating innovative methods to foster cost-efficient manufacturing solutions without leaving an ecological footprint.

Innovative Business Solution

Utilizing traditional product development methods in new modern ways we create gorund breaking solutions.

“Our mission here at Eko-Logical is to provide cost efficient manufacturing solutions while completely removing any bad enviromental impact, all whith having end-consumer on the first place.”


European Union Needs an Alternative

From 2021 EU will ban some of the currently used plastic products, including plastic straws. That created a huge demand in the market for a plastic straw alternative.

  • Health Issues when plastic is used
  • Plastic is Negative for environment 
  • 100 million plastic straws are consumed daily in the EU

Biodegradable Straws

Biodegradable straws are currently one of the possible alternatives for plastic straws. However, they only decompose if disposed of properly otherwise they cause the same issues as plastic straws.

  • Hard to decompose
  • Requires special recycling

Paper Straws Aren't Good

Paper straws ar the most popular alternative to plastic straws. But studies show that glue mixture these straws are comprised of is cancerogenic for humans to consume.

  • Unsafe to use
  • Unpleasant to use

The Wooden Straw

We invented a new way to manufacture straws. Using our patented solution we  adjusted and tweaked a standard industrial machine for better performance and we are able to create the perfect straw.

From just one tree we have the amount of wood needed to create at least 1 million straws, that is 10000 straw packages.

Because we have such high resource consumption efficiency we are able to sell one straw for 0.025€. That makes us the most competitive wooden straw producers in the market.


We can do anything together!

Filip Golomé

Graphic and Multimedia Designer

Damjan Puljić

Master of Mechanical Engineering

Luka minified for Website
Luka Šaravanja
Chief Scientist

(PhD candidate)
Master of Mechanical Engineering

prof dr. Eddie Čustović

Graphic and Multimedia Designer

Project supporters

“Thank you Mozaik fundation for providing us with finanical aid”

“Thank you SCE team for providing valuable coaching”

“Thank you for providing aid for every challenge we face”

“Thank you for guiding our startup’s growth!”

“Thank you for providing valuable support!”

“Thank you for teaching us how to launch our startup!”

“Thank you for strengthening our startup!”

“Thank you for introducing us to all fellow members!”

“Thank you for teaching and mentoring us!”

Let's connect

We want to meet you!

Phone: +387 63 842 278
Email: team@eko-logical.com
We are always looking for new connections, partnerships, advices, eco enthusiasts and fellow innovators. If you have any questions, enquires or just want to chat, don't hesitate to contact us.

Our Reason & Goal

Starting from 2021. the EU has forbidden plastic straw consumption by law because of their bad impact on the environment, human health, animals, and problems with proper disposal. Since there is a huge demand for an straw alternative, we have decided under the IEEE Innovation Nation program to find a solution. By scraping the wood using our patented method we get wooden straws in a single move. With this process, we can produce large amounts of straws that can be used in everyday use. With minimal funding, the production could be established in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are asking for 500.000€ of funding to start the production with a capacity of 10.00.000 straws per month. In just 90 days of receiving the funding we can start the entire factory and all its operations.

We’re fast. We’re the best. You should invest.